Today we were introduced to a couple of web-hosting providers.
I liked Weebly instantly
It seemed very simple to use in order to achieve a good, professional-looking website. Initially from appearances and the interface I thought I would prefer it.However, I soon found that it was very limiting in design. A simple element like the ability to change colours of aspects of the website was either impossible on certain templates or had very restrictive palattes on others.
This frustrated me very quickly as I couldn't see how I would personalise it the way I wanted it. I didn't want to own a website that looked exactly the same as many others'.
Wordpress wasn't impressive enough
Although I could see that Wordpress had its uses; quite a range of nice tools and possible plugins if one was to pay the premium. However, I didn't want to have to go to all of the trouble in order to keep my website from looking like a blog. Every single section seemed to need to be 'unchecked' so as to keep everything appearing basic.
I wasn't feeling it.
Then, I visited Wix.
I couldn't believe the difference. Suddenly I had so many more choices (I could even personalise the social network icons with my own designs if I so wished!)
Everything seemed to appear much more professional and I suddenly felt really happy that I could create a website that I really loved from another really easy and clear interface. Furthermore, I would be able to make future changes to it easily. I believe the reason it appears more professional than Weebly, is that it uses Html5 customisable coding; so this leads me to believe that the designed templates are somewhat more complex.
Wix is definitely the one I'll be choosing to create my site.
Thoughts on Html coding
I'm not keen. The main reasons are that I don't have Dreamweaver so that would make things difficult and I hate the idea of having to 1) Purchase a template 2) Have to go to so much trouble to change and customise your website when Wix has a great interface where it changes it all for you. And from what I've seen, both achieve a very similar standard of professionalism in appearance.
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